Database Test 3 (DBT-3) User's Guide


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This document provides instructions on how to set up and use the Open Source Development Lab's Database Test 3 (DBT-3) kit. This kit provides what is needed to execute a workload similar to the TPC-H workload.

Installing DBT-3

The latest stable and development version of the kit can be found on GitHub:

The TPC's TPC-H Tools cannot be redistributed with DBT-3 and must be downloaded by the tester:

Required Software

In addition to the database management system software, the following is also required:

User's Guide

Building TPC-H Tools

The kit requires the TPC-H Tools to be built for the specific database management system to be tested. The TPC-H Tools is developed in such a way that it needs to rebuilt or another copy needs to be built if a different database management system is to be tested.

DBT-3 provides a script to apply patches and compile the TPC-H Tools. The patches that are applied are minor code changes and query templates to make the TPC-H Tools work with the databases supposed by DBT-3.

For example, to build the TPC-H Tools for PostgreSQL (pgsql), unzip the TPC-H Tools zip file and run dbt3-build-dbgen against the resulting directory:

unzip *
dbt3-build-dbgen pgsql "TPC-H V3.0.1"/

Quick Start

Once the TPC-H Tools is built, only one command needs to be issued to run a complete test:

dbt3-run --tpchtools="TPC-H V3.0.1" pgsql /tmp/results

This will run the generate the data files for a 1 GB scale factor database load, power and throughput test, with 2 streams, against PostgreSQL and save the results of the test in /tmp/results.

The dbt3-run script can be used to run any combination of a load test, power test, and throughput test. A load tests must be run in order to create the database before a power or throughput tests can be run individually.

Advanced Notes

Setting DBT-3 Environment Variables

dbgen, qgen require specific environment variables to be set in order to function properly. The following environment variables are required to be set if run manually, otherwise the dbt3-run script will set the variables based on the given command line arguments:

  • DSS_PATH=/tmp/dss - Absolute path in which to build flat files.

  • DSS_QUERY=${TPCHTOOLS}/dbgen/queries - Absolute path in which to find query templates.

  • DSS_CONFIG=${TPCHTOOLS}/dbgen - Directory in which to find dbgen configuration files.

Testers can choose to run all the tests in DBT-3 as well as part of the tests. The following section describes how to run all the tests.

Tester may also create several databases so that several scale factors can be tested or various implementation strategies compared. They will only need to change environment variables to point to the correct database prior to executing the test kit scripts.

Each DBMS may have additional environment variables that may need to be set. See the database management system specific section for details.

Workload Notes

Sizing the System

The scale factor can actually be any decimal number (like 1.1 or 50) so that if the tester wishes, the tester can create a database whose size is not one of the officially permitted scale factors. This might be desirable for development purposes. Any results should be advertised with the scale factor used, since the performance varies based on the amount of data required for processing the queries. The database size is defined with reference to scale factor. For example, for scale factor 1, the raw data files' total size is roughly 1 GB.

Note: This kit does not support scale factors less than 1. Although you can build a database using scale factors less than 1, the query generator (qgen) will not generate the proper variable values that correspond to scale factors less than 1.

The tester needs to allocate space for the flat files generated by dbgen used to load the database. Once the database is loaded and backed up, there is no need to retain these flat files.


The qgen program can be manually run to inspect the SQL statement to that will be executed by the test.

For example (see qgen -h for option descriptions) to see what the first query to be executed:

qgen -c -r 0 -p 0 -s 1 5

Results in the following query for PostgreSQL:

-- using 0 as a seed to the RNG
-- @(#)14.sql
-- TPC-H/TPC-R Promotion Effect Query (Q14)
-- Functional Query Definition
-- Approved February 1998

       100.00 * sum(case
               when p_type like 'PROMO%'
                       then l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)
               else 0
       end) / sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as promo_revenue
       l_partkey = p_partkey
       and l_shipdate >= date '1993-01-01'
       and l_shipdate < cast(date '1993-01-01' + interval '1 month' as date);

Database Management System Specific Notes


Environment Variables

  • DBDATA=/tmp/monetdb - This defines where to initialize the MonetDB data directory

  • DBNAME=dbt3 - This is the database name to use.


When using mysqladmin to start the database, options will be loaded from one of these locations, if they exist: /etc/my.cnf, /etc/mysql/my.cnf, or ~/.my.cnf. The environment variable MYSQL_HOME can also be used to specify where a my.cnf file exists.

Environment Variables

  • DBNAME=dbt3 - This is the database name to use.

  • MYDATA=/tmp/mydata - This defines where to initialize the MySQL data directory


Environment Variables

  • PGDATABASE=dbt3 - This is the database name to use.

  • PGDATA=/tmp/pgdata - This defines where the PostgreSQL instance will be created.

  • DEFAULT_LOAD_PARAMETERS="-c shared_buffers=1GB" - This defines the database parameters to be set for the load test. The syntax is that same as that used to set parameters from the command line as if using pg_ctl. (e.g. "-c shared_buffers=1GB")

  • DEFAULT_POWER_PARAMETERS="" - This defines the database parameters to set for the power test.

  • DEFAULT_THROUGHPUT_PARAMETERS="" - This defines the database parameters to be set for the throughput test.

Query Execution Plans

There is an additional --explain flag that can be used for testing PostgreSQL with the dbt3- script that will execute the queries in the power and throughput tests using EXPLAIN (ANALYZE, BUFFERS) thus returning actual execution plans instead of the query results.

If the --explain flag is used, an additional plan disaster report will be generating showing which queries grossly misestimated the number of rows returned at each node of the plan.


Environment Variables

In addition to the PostgreSQL environment variables, Postgres-XL requires the following:

  • GTMHOST="pgxl" - Hostname for the GTM master and Coordinator node.

  • HOSTNAMES="pgxl1 pgxl2" - A space-delimited list of hostnames for the Datanodes.export GTMDATA="$PGDATA/gtm"

  • COORDINATORDATA="$PGDATA/coordinator" - Data directory for the Coordinator.

  • GTMPROXYDATA="$PGDATA/gtm_proxy." - Data directory prefix for the GTM proxy. The node number will be automatically appended to the end.

  • DATANODEDATA="$PGDATA/datanode." - Data directory prefix for the Datanode.

    The node number will be automatically appended to the end.

  • DNPN=2 - Number of datanodes to create per system node.

  • DNBP=15432 - Starting listener port number for datanodes.

  • DNBPP=25432 - Starting listener port number for datanode pooler.

Postgres-XL Architecture

See additional notes for the base PostgreSQL version for items that also apply to Postgres-XL.

A Postgres-XL cluster can be built in many different ways. The scripts in this kit builds them only in one specific configuration:

                   | GTM Master  |
                   | Coordinator |
                  /       |       \
                 /        |        \
                /         |         \
               /          |          \
+-------------+    +-------------+    ...
|  GTM Proxy  |    |  GTM Proxy  |
|  Datanode   |----|  Datanode   |----
+-------------+    +-------------+


In order to keep the scripts simple, the installation of this software needs to be the same as the user that will be executing the test kit. The reason for this is because the database location is tied to the parameters set when running the Virtuoso configure script.

Environment Variables

  • VADDIR=/usr/local/virtuoso-opensource/var/lib/virtuoso/db - Location of virtuoso.ini file.


The results directory created from running tests with the dbt3-run script will contain the calculated metrics of the test.

The primary metrics will be in the score.rst file:

       Composite Score:     3746.61
Load Test Time (hours):        1.87
      Power Test Score:     3634.28
 Throughput Test Score:     3862.43

More detailed query results will be in the summary.rst file:

Power Test

* Seed: 517231038

| Duration (seconds) |    Query Start Time    |     RF1 Start Time     |     RF2 Start Time     |
|                    +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
|                    |     Query End Time     |      RF1 End Time      |      RF2 End Time      |
|              18.16 | 2023-05-17 23:10:43.47 | 2023-05-17 23:10:38.87 | 2023-05-17 23:10:56.98 |
|                    +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
|                    | 2023-05-17 23:10:56.98 | 2023-05-17 23:10:43.46 | 2023-05-17 23:10:57.02 |

=======  =========================
 Query    Response Time (seconds)
=======  =========================
      1                       2.20
      2                       0.34
      3                       0.51
      4                       0.17
      5                       0.54
      6                       0.36
      7                       0.61
      8                       0.23
      9                       1.33
     10                       0.67
     11                       0.16
     12                       0.62
     13                       1.61
     14                       0.38
     15                       0.72
     16                       0.31
     17                       0.02
     18                       1.93
     19                       0.03
     20                       0.13
     21                       0.33
     22                       0.08
    RF1                       4.58
    RF2                       0.04
=======  =========================

Throughput Test

Stream execution summary:

|  Stream   | Duration  |    Query Start Time    |     RF1 Start Time     |     RF2 Start Time     |
+-----------+ (seconds) +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
|   Seed    |           |     Query End Time     |      RF1 End Time      |      RF2 End Time      |
|         1 |     14.38 | 2023-05-17 23:10:57.60 | 2023-05-17 23:10:57.06 | 2023-05-17 23:11:01.42 |
+-----------+           +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| 517231039 |           | 2023-05-17 23:11:11.97 | 2023-05-17 23:11:01.41 | 2023-05-17 23:11:01.46 |
|         2 |     14.47 | 2023-05-17 23:10:57.59 | 2023-05-17 23:11:01.47 | 2023-05-17 23:11:05.74 |
+-----------+           +------------------------+------------------------+------------------------+
| 517231040 |           | 2023-05-17 23:11:12.05 | 2023-05-17 23:11:05.73 | 2023-05-17 23:11:05.78 |

Query execution duration (seconds):

========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
 Stream      Q1        Q2        Q3        Q4        Q5        Q6        Q7
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
       1      2.19      0.31      0.53      0.17      0.65      0.36      0.66
       2      2.16      0.49      0.51      0.17      0.57      0.36      0.62
     Min      2.16      0.49      0.51      0.17      0.57      0.36      0.62
     Max      2.16      0.49      0.51      0.17      0.57      0.36      0.62
     Avg      1.08      0.24      0.26      0.09      0.28      0.18      0.31
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
 Stream      Q8        Q9        Q10       Q11       Q12       Q13       Q14
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
       1      0.24      1.30      0.64      0.22      0.63      2.28      0.37
       2      0.24      1.39      0.65      0.17      0.62      2.30      0.39
     Min      0.24      1.39      0.65      0.17      0.62      2.30      0.39
     Max      0.24      1.39      0.65      0.17      0.62      2.30      0.39
     Avg      0.12      0.69      0.32      0.08      0.31      1.15      0.20
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
 Stream      Q15       Q16       Q17       Q18       Q19       Q20       Q21
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========
       1      0.76      0.31      0.02      1.95      0.03      0.14      0.32
       2      0.75      0.31      0.02      1.96      0.03      0.14      0.33
     Min      0.75      0.31      0.02      1.96      0.03      0.14      0.33
     Max      0.75      0.31      0.02      1.96      0.03      0.14      0.33
     Avg      0.38      0.16      0.01      0.98      0.02      0.07      0.17
========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========

========  ========  ========  ========
 Stream      Q22       RF1       RF2
========  ========  ========  ========
       1      0.08      4.35      0.04
       2      0.08      4.26      0.04
     Min      0.08      4.26      0.04
     Max      0.08      4.35      0.04
     Avg      0.04      4.30      0.04
========  ========  ========  ========

Developer's Guide

Query Templates

The TPC-H DBGEN tool kit includes the official query syntax for TPC-H queries. The tester can substitute DBT-3 queries with TPC-H queries and alter the syntax to fit other databases. A set of query syntax for SAP DB, PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB are included in the kit in the directory dbt3/queries.